► Washington, 2054. John Anderton is a member of Precrime, a government unit using the gifts of foreknowledge of three mutants, Pre- Cogs to arrest criminals before they pass to the act. Even before they had imagined pass the act. Anderton has a blind confidence in the predictions of the Pre- Cogs. But when hunter became game, he will find himself himself accused of murdering a man he never met, he must discover the true workings of Precrime to prove his innocence.
► Editions Folio SF
► Science-Fiction
► Original Version
► Short story

Hello everybody ! Today I will try to write a chronicle in English, because a few days ago, I read a novel in O.V. I think it's a very difficult exercise, but I need to improve my English. So, let's write !
K.Dick was an American author who wrote Ubik, his most famous book. He was considered as a master of the Science-Fiction. He died in 1982.
Minority Report is an incredible short story with realistic characters, a lot of symbols and ethical’s messages. It’s a very short story, but a very interesting plot. K.Dick immerses the reader in another dimension with three Pre-Cog. Pre-cog are able to predict the future, and more especially the murders. They work, without being aware of this – for Precrime agency.
John Anderton is the agency's director, he watches for peace in the USA, but also to maintaining the criminality rate null. So, when the Pre-cog see a murder, he has to arrest the potential murderer before he commits his crime. K.Dick succeeds in creating his own universe, with a lot of technology. In his book, he denounces the limits and drifts such a level of technology, like sending innocents to jail for example.
I love K.Dick’s writing, at the same time simple and captivating. I traveled while I was reading. Magic moments. Between actions, descriptions and psychology, he manages to write a complete story. On the one hand, there is a young boy, a (pushing), and on the other hand, there is John, older, I enjoyed the contrast between the two characters.
All along the story, the reader doubt about the real enemy of John. Is it his wife ? The army ? Or someone else? Everything is staged for make the reader doubt. K.Dick twined perfectly the wheel of his novel. It’s fascinating. The machination built against John Anderton is well orchestrated.
So, for a first English reading, I am very delighted. I have discovered an original novel which show the excess of human’s progress.
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RépondreSupprimerJe suis désolée, mais lire en anglais me demande une trop grande concentration que je n'arrive pas à avoir :(
RépondreSupprimerEn tout cas je suis admirative que tu te soit lancée dans une lecture an anglais, j'en serais bien incapable !!!
Aucun soucis, je vais la publier en français de toute manière :)
SupprimerJe te comprends tout à fait :D
Merci, je vais tenter d'en écrire d'autres pendant l'été !
J'ai adoré le film, il faudrait que je lise la nouvelle :)
RépondreSupprimerTu risques d'être perdue si tu la compares au film je pense :)
SupprimerContente que tu ais passé un bon moment et c'est très sympa d'écrire en anglais. Aprés pour toi seulement mais ce n'est pas grave fait attention a bien mettre les "s" a la troisieme personne. Moi je dis ça mais je dois en faire quand meme faire beaucoup de fautes. bon courage pour la suite !